Günde 140 Gram ve Üstü Kırmızı Et Tüketmek Kolon Kanseri Riskini Artırıyor

harvard medical school'un 478,000* kişiyi izleyerek yaptığı araştırma sonucuna göre günde ortalama 140 gram veya daha fazla kırmızı et tüketen insanların, daha az kırmızı et (günde 30 gram ve daha az) tüketen insanlara göre kolon kanseri'ne yakalanma ihtimalinin yaklaşık %28 arttığı gözlemlenmiş. işlenmiş etleri (sucuk, salam, sosis vb.) sık tüketenlerde ise kanser ihtimali %20 artmış.
tavuk eti yani beyaz et fazla tüketen insanlarda tüketmeyenlere göre kanser açısından bir farka rastlanmamış. hatta balık tüketen insanlarda kolon kanseri gelişme ihtimali 1/3 oranında azalma göstermiş.
"the european research tracked 478,000 men and women who were free of cancer when the study began. the people who ate the most red meat (about 5 ounces a day or more) were about a third more likely to develop colon cancer than those who ate the least red meat (less than an ounce a day on average). their consumption of chicken did not influence risk one way or the other, but a high consumption of fish appeared to reduce the risk of colon cancer by about a third.
the u.s. study added important information about the effects of long-term meat consumption. the subjects were 148,610 people between the ages of 50 and 74. a high consumption of red and processed meats was linked with a substantial increase in the risk of cancer in the lower colon and rectum. conversely, the long-term consumption of large amounts of fish and poultry appeared protective.
these two studies are impressive, and they don’t stand alone. a meta-analysis of 29 studies of meat consumption and colon cancer concluded that a high consumption of red meat increases risk by 28%, and a high consumption of processed meat increases risk by 20%."