Indiewire'a Göre Çeşitli Ülkelerin Sinemalarından Derlenen En İyi 110 Korku Filmi

ağustos ayında indiewire iştah kabartıcı bir liste hazırladı
indiewire: her gün güncellenen, bağımsız filmlerle ilgili bir haber sitesi. bağımsız filmlere ek olarak, belgeseller, yabancı dillerde üretilen filmlere de odaklanan bu haber sitesinde röportajlar ve film eleşirileri de yer alır.
müthiş bir korku derlemesi sundular bize. hemen hemen her ülkeden korku filmlerine yer vermeye çalışmışlar. izlemediğim korku filmlerine denk gelmek ise beni çok mutlu etti. özellikle 40, 50 ve 60'lı yıllarda çekilmiş korku filmlerine yabancı kaldığımı fark ettim. listede john carpenter, roman polanski, brian de palma, david cronenberg, alfred hitchcock ve wes craven gibi yönetmenlerin ağırlığı hissediliyor. listede ingmar bergman'ın bile bir adet filmi var. bu arada listede kesinlikle yer almalıydı dediğim bir filmi de ben eklemek istiyorum. (bkz: under the shadow) listeye bizden bir filmi sokabilme imkanım olsaydı tercihim kesinlikle (bkz: drakula istanbul'da) filminden yana olurdu. zaten bu harika drakula filmini izlemiş olsalar muhtemelen kendileri listeye eklerdi.
korku ile kalın
110. “dracula” (tod browning, 1931)
109. “hereditary” (ari aster, 2018)
108. “the strangers” (bryan bertino, 2008)
107. “häxan” (benjamin christensen, 1922)
106. “shutter island” (martin scorsese, 2010)
105. “the night of the hunter” (charles laughton, 1955)
104. “the mist” (frank darabont, 2007)
103. “the phantom carriage” (victor sjöström, 1921)
102. “safe” (todd haynes, 1995)
101. “eraserhead” (david lynch, 1977)
100. “village of the damned” (wolf rilla, 1960)

99. “the ring” (gore verbinski, 2002)
98. “the changeling” (peter medak, 1980)
97. “alucarda” (juan lópez moctezuma, 1977)
96. “tales from the hood” (rusty cundieff, 1995)
95. “messiah of evil” (willard huyck and gloria katz, 1973)
94. “a bay of blood” (mario bava, 1971)
93. “trouble every day” (claire denis, 2001)
92. “the tenant” (roman polanski, 1976)
91. “goodnight mommy” (veronika franz and severin fiala, 2014)
90. “the leopard man” (jacques tourneur, 1943)

89. “viy” (konstantin yershov and georgi kropachyov, 1967)
88. “the hunger” (tony scott, 1983)
87. “masque of the red death” (roger corman, 1964)
86. “a nightmare on elm street” (wes craven, 1984)
85. “antichrist” (lars von trier, 2009)
84. “what ever happened to baby jane?” (robert aldrich, 1962)
83. “the ghost ship” (mark robson, 1943)
82. “the skin i live in” (pedro almodovar, 2011)
81. “suspiria” (luca guadagnino, 2018)
80. “kuroneko” (kaneto shindo, 1968)

79. “martyrs” (pascal laugier, 2008)
78. “the vanishing” (george sluizer, 1988)
77. “house on haunted hill” (william castle, 1959)
76. “brotherhood of the wolf” (christophe gans, 2001)
75. “sisters” (brian de palma, 1973)
74. “raw” (julia ducournau, 2016)
73. “henry: portrait of a serial killer” (john mcnaughton, 1986)
72. “hour of the wolf” (ingmar bergman, 1968)
71. “bram stoker’s dracula” (francis ford coppola, 1992)
70. “the seventh victim” (mark robson, 1943)

69. “high tension” (alexandre aja, 2003)
68. “dressed to kill” (brian de palma, 1980)
67. “black christmas” (bob clark, 1974)
66. “the descent” (neil marshall, 2005)
65. “invasion of the body snatchers” (don siegel, 1956)
64. “a tale of two sisters” (kim jee-woon, 2003)
63. “let the right one in” (tomas alfredson, 2008)
62. “jacob’s ladder” (adrian lyne, 1990)
61. “evil dead ii” (sam raimi, 1987)
60. “poltergeist” (tobe hooper, 1982)

59. “the sixth sense” (m. night shyamalan, 1999)
58. “the haunting” (robert wise, 1963)
57. “the conjuring” (james wan, 2013)
56. “twin peaks: fire walk with me” (david lynch, 1992)
55. “the fog” (john carpenter, 1980)
54. “the babadook” (jennifer kent, 2014)
53. “the witch” (robert eggers, 2015)
52. “frankenstein” (james whale, 1931)
51. “the spiral staircase” (robert siodmak, 1946)
50. “candyman” (bernard rose, 1992)

49. “the lodger” (john brahm, 1944)
48. “carnival of souls” (herk harvey, 1962)
47. “ganja & hess” (bill gunn, 1973)
46. “it follows” (david robert mitchell, 2014)
45. “the blair witch project” (daniel myrick and eduardo sánchez, 1999)
44. “the brood” (david cronenberg, 1979)
43. “i saw the devil” (kim jee-woon, 2011)
42. “freaks” (tod browning, 1932)
41. “possession” (andrzej zulawaki, 1981)
40. “the others” (alejandro amenábar, 2001)

39. “the devils” (ken russell, 1971)
38. “black sunday” (mario bava, 1960)
37. “hausu” (obayashi nobuhiko, 1977)
36. “don’t look now” (nicolas roeg, 1973)
35. “hangover square” (john brahm, 1945)
34. “the devil’s backbone” (guillermo del toro, 2001)
33. “scream” (wes craven, 1996)
32. “near dark” (kathryn bigelow, 1987)
31. “the cabinet of dr. caligari” (robert wiene, 1920)
30. “the wicker man” (robin hardy, 1973)

29. “the innocents” (jack clayton, 1961)
28. “pulse” (kiyoshi kurosawa, 2001)
27. “the omen” (richard donner, 1976)
26. “bride of frankenstein” (james whale, 1935)
25. “suspiria” (dario argento, 1977)
24. “the birds” (alfred hitchcock, 1963)
23. “i walked with a zombie” (jacques tourneur, 1943)
22. “repulsion” (roman polanski, 1965)
21. “carrie” (brian de palma, 1976)
20. “the fly” (david cronenberg, 1986)

19. “get out” (jordan peele, 2017)
18. “the silence of the lambs” (jonathan demme, 1991)
17. “nosferatu” (f. w. murnau, 1922)
16. “jaws” (steven spielberg, 1975)
15. “cat people” (jacques tourneur, 1942)
14. “28 days later” (danny boyle, 2002)
13. “audition” (takashi miike, 1999)
12. “dawn of the dead” (george a. romero, 1978)
11. “deep red” (dario argento, 1975)
10. “night of the living dead” (george romero, 1968)

9. “alien” (ridley scott, 1979)
8. “the thing” (john carpenter, 1982)
7. “eyes without a face” (georges franju, 1960)
6. “psycho” (alfred hitchcock, 1960)
5. “halloween” (john carpenter, 1978)
4. “the exorcist” (william friedkin, 1973)
3. “rosemary’s baby” (roman polanski, 1968)
2. “the texas chainsaw massacre” (tobe hooper, 1974)
1. “the shining” (stanley kubrick, 1980)