N95 Maskeleri Bizzat Sterilize Ederek Tekrar Kullanılır Hale Getirebilir miyiz?

sağlıkçı arkadaşların ellerinde n95 maskeler varsa bu bilgiye ihtiyaçları olacak.
az önce reddit'te gördüğüm bir habere göre standford üniversitesindeki amy price ve larry chu n95 maskelerin filtrasyon kaybı yaşamadan sterlizatör fırınlarda 70 derecede 30 dk bekleterek veya kaynar su buharı üstünde 10 dakika bekleterek steril hale gelebileceğine dair bulgular yayınlamış.
"in summary bleach and microwaves were failures at point of care because the bleachgases (skin and respiratory irritants) remained after multiple strategies were used toremove them, the microwave melted the masks and soaking them first led to reducedfiltration. eto, uvgi, and hydrogen peroxide decontamination were safe and effective inthe models tested but it is not known if they would retain filtration, material strength, and airflow integrity with repeated use. eto, uvgi, and hydrogen peroxide limitationsinclude time from decontamination to reuse and available space and materials todecontaminate in an or setting. 70c /158f heating in a kitchen-type of oven for 30min, or hot water vapor from boiling water for 10 min, are additional effective decontamination methods."

önemli not: bu çalışma sars-cov-2 ile değil e.coli ile yapılmıştır. fakat coronavirüslerin inaktive olması için 70-75 derecede 30 dk yeterli görünüyor. stability of sars coronavirus in human specimens and environment and its sensitivity to heating and uv irradiation.
"the survival abilities on the surfaces of eight different materials and in water were quite comparable, revealing reduction of infectivity after 72 to 96 h exposure. viruses stayed stable at 4 degrees c, at room temperature (20 degrees c) and at 37 degrees c for at least 2 h without remarkable change in the infectious ability in cells, but were converted to be non-infectious after 90-, 60- and 30-min exposure at 56 degrees c, at 67 degrees c and at 75 degrees c, respectively."
hazır buradayken ek bilgiler
cdc'ye ait n95 maskelerin uzun süreli kullanımı yönergesi: https://www.cdc.gov/…recommendedguidanceextuse.html
decathlon su altı maskesinden hastane maskesi yapımı: https://www.isinnova.it/…asy-covid19-eng/?fb-edit=1
3d printer için respiratör valfi .stl uzantılı dosyası: https://t.me/covid19up/1316