Sinema Tarihinin İngilizce Olmayan En İyi 100 Filmi

1. yedi samuray (seven samuari - akira kurosawa, 1954)
2. bisiklet hırsızları (bicycle thieves - vittorio de sica, 1948)
3. tokyo hikayesi (tokyo story - yasujirô ozu, 1953)
4. rashomon (akira kurosawa, 1950)
5. oyunun kuralı (the rules of the game - jean renoir, 1939)
6. persona (ıngmar bergman, 1966)
7. 8 1/2 (federico fellini, 1963)
8. 400 darbe (the 400 blows - françois truffaut, 1959)
9. aşk zamanı (ın the mood for love - wong kar-wai, 2000)
10. tatlı hayat (la dolce vita - federico fellini, 1960)
11. serseri aşıklar (breathless - jean-luc godard, 1960)
12. hoşçakal cariyem (farewell my concubine - chen kaige, 1993)
13. m (fritz lang, 1931)
14. jeanne dielman, 23 commerce quay, 1080 brussels (chantal akerman, 1975)
15. pather panchali (satyajit ray, 1955)
16. metropolis (fritz lang, 1927)
17. aguirre: tanrının gazabı (aguirre, the wrath of god - werner herzog, 1972)
18. a city of sadness (hou hsiao-hsien, 1989)
19. cezayir bağımsızlık savaşı (the battle of algiers - gillo pontecorvo, 1966)
20. ayna (the mirror - andrei tarkovsky, 1974)
21. bir ayrılık (a separation - asghar farhadi, 2011)
22. pan'ın labirenti (pan's labyrinth - guillermo del toro, 2006)
23. jeanne d'arc'ın ızdırabı (the passion of joan of arc - carl theodor dreyer, 1928)
24. potemkin zırhlısı (battleship potemkin - sergei m eisenstein, 1925)
25. yi yi (edward yang, 2000)
26. cennet sineması (cinema paradiso - giuseppe tornatore, 1988)
27. arı kovanının ruhu (the spirit of the beehive - victor erice, 1973)
28. fanny and alexander (ıngmar bergman, 1982)
29. ihtiyar delikanlı (oldboy - park chan-wook, 2003)
30. yedinci mühür (the seventh seal - ıngmar bergman, 1957)
31. başkalarının hayatı (the lives of others - florian henckel von donnersmarck, 2006)
32. annem hakkında her şey (all about my mother - pedro almodóvar, 1999)
33. oyun vakti (playtime - jacques tati, 1967)
34. arzunun kanatları / berlin üzerindeki gökyüzü (wings of desire - wim wenders, 1987)
35. leopar (the leopard - luchino visconti, 1963)
36. harp esirleri (la grande ıllusion - jean renoir, 1937)
37. ruhların kaçışı (spirited away - hayao miyazaki, 2001)
38. a brighter summer day (edward yang, 1991)
39. yakın plan (close-up - abbas kiarostami, 1990)
40. andrei rublev (andrei tarkovsky, 1966)
41. yaşamak (to live - zhang yimou, 1994)
42. tanrıkent (city of god - fernando meirelles, kátia lund, 2002)
43. iyi iş (beau travail - claire denis, 1999)
44. 5'ten 7'ye cléo (cleo from 5 to 7 - agnès varda, 1962)
45. l'avventura (michelangelo antonioni, 1960)
46. cennetin çocukları (children of paradise - marcel carné, 1945)
47. 4 ay, 3 hafta, 2 gün (4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days - cristian mungiu, 2007)
48. viridiana (luis buñuel, 1961)
49. iz sürücü (stalker - andrei tarkovsky, 1979)
50. l'atalante (jean vigo, 1934)
51. cherbourg şemsiyeleri (the umbrellas of cherbourg - jacques demy, 1964)
52. rastgele balthazar (au hasard balthazar - robert bresson, 1966)
53. geç gelen bahar (late spring - yasujirô ozu, 1949)
54. eat drink man woman (ang lee, 1994)
55. jules ve jim (jules and jim - françois truffaut, 1962)
56. chungking express (wong kar-wai, 1994)
57. solaris (andrei tarkovsky, 1972)
58. the earrings of madame de… (max ophüls, 1953)
59. gel ve gör (come and see - elem klimov, 1985)
60. le mepris / contempt (jean-luc godard, 1963)
61. sansho the bailiff (kenji mizoguchi, 1954)
62. touki bouki (djibril diop mambéty, 1973)
63. spring in a small town (fei mu, 1948)
64. üç renk: mavi (three colours blue - krzysztof kieslowski, 1993)
65. ordet (carl theodor dreyer, 1955)
66. korku ruhu kemirir ( ali fear eats the soul - rainer werner fassbinder, 1973)
67. yok edici melek (the exterminating angel - luis buñuel, 1962)
68. ugetsu (kenji mizoguchi, 1953)
69. aşk (amour - michael haneke, 2012)
70. batan güneş (l'eclisse - michelangelo antonioni, 1962)
71. happy together (wong kar-wai, 1997)
72. yaşamak (ıkiru - akira kurosawa, 1952)
73. kameralı adam (man with a movie camera - dziga vertov, 1929)
74. çılgın pierro (pierrot le fou - jean-luc godard, 1965)
75. gündüz güzeli (belle de jour - luis buñuel, 1967)
76. ananı da! (y tu mamá también - alfonso cuarón, 2001)
77. konformist (the conformist - bernardo bertolucci, 1970)
78. kaplan ve ejderha (crouching tiger, hidden dragon - ang lee, 2000)
79. ran (akira kurosawa, 1985)
80. los olvidados / the young and the damned (luis buñuel, 1950)
81. celine and julie go boating (jacques rivette, 1974)
82. amélie (jean-pierre jeunet, 2001)
83. sonsuz sokaklar (la strada - federico fellini, 1954)
84. burjuvazinin gizemli çekiciliği (the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie - luis buñuel, 1972)
85. umberto d (vittorio de sica, 1952)
86. la jetée (chris marker, 1962)
87. cabiria'nın geceleri (the nights of cabiria - federico fellini, 1957)
88. son krizantemlerin öyküsü (the story of the last chrysanthemum - kenji mizoguchi, 1939)
89. yaban çilekleri (wild strawberries - ıngmar bergman, 1957)
90. hiroşima sevgilim (hiroshima mon amour - alain resnais, 1959)
91. rififi (jules dassin, 1955)
92. bir evlilikten manzaralar (scenes from a marriage - ıngmar bergman, 1973)
93. kırmızı fenerler (raise the red lantern - zhang yimou, 1991)
94. arkadaşımın evi nerede? (where is the friend's home? - abbas kiarostami, 1987)
95. ukigumo / floating clouds (mikio naruse, 1955)
96. shoah (claude lanzmann, 1985)
97. kirazın tadı (taste of cherry - abbas kiarostami, 1997)
98. ın the heat of the sun (jiang wen, 1994)
99. küller ve elmaslar (ashes and diamonds - andrzej wajda, 1958)
100. puslu manzaralar (landscape in the mist - theo angelopoulos, 1988)
kaynak: bbc